
When Should Your Baby Sleep Through The Night?


As a sleep consultant, one of the most common questions I hear from parents is, "When will my baby start sleeping through the night?". Sleeping through the night is a major milestone, but it can look different for every baby, so do resist the urge to compare what your baby is doing to what the baby you read about on Facebook is doing! Understanding the factors that influence when a baby will start sleeping through the night can help set realistic expectations and provide guidance for parents who are eager for longer stretches of rest! (that's all of us, right?!)

First, it’s important to define what sleeping through the night actually means. For some, sleeping through the night means sleeping 12 hours with 1-2 overnight wakings. For others, sleeping through the night means sleeping 6-8 uninterrupted hours. But for me, as a sleep consultant, and for the purpose of this blog, sleeping through the night means sleeping 11-12 uninterrupted hours overnight. 

To start, I just want to get this out there–babies are not capable of sleeping through the night in the early weeks. In fact, if I hear a newborn is sleeping through the night, I get worried!! Newborns have small stomachs and need to wake frequently for feedings. But, by around three to four months of age, babies may begin to show signs of sleeping through the night by stretching their night sleep for longer periods.

Ideally a baby is down to just 0-2 feedings overnight by 3-4 months and by six months, most babies have the ability to sleep through the night without a feeding, although not all do it on their own. With that being said, if your baby is over 6 months and is not yet sleeping through the night, some gentle sleep training (or sleep teaching as we like to say!) may be necessary to help your baby get over that hump! In any case, you always want to get the clear from your pediatrician before working to drop any night feedings to ensure weight gain and growth is developing properly. 

I know you are wondering thoughhow can we help our babies start sleeping through the night, like ASAP!? Creating healthy sleep habits is one crucial way in which we can help our baby achieve this. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, ensuring they have an age-appropriate nap schedule, and putting them down awake can encourage independent sleep skills, which can help babies connect sleep cycles throughout the night and sleep all night.

Babies who learn to self-soothe are often more likely to start sleeping through the night sooner than those who rely on external sleep associations like rocking or feeding to fall asleep. While we all actually wake many times in the night, knowing how to soothe oneself back to sleep (like we do as adults), can help babies sleep longer stretches at night and sleep through the night on their own. Your baby may still awaken throughout the night, but they have developed the skill to independently get themselves back to sleep and therefore we say that the baby has slept all night!

Another factor that affects sleeping through the night is sleep regressions. Around four months, many babies experience a developmental shift in sleep patterns, making it more challenging to stay asleep. Sleep regressions can also happen around eight to ten months, 12 months, and even at 18 months and these regressions lead to temporarily disrupting sleeping through the night. Being aware of these phases can help parents remain patient and consistent in their routines & approach to these regressions which will help the baby get back to sleeping through the night sooner!

With this being said, if you feel the regression is lasting more than 2-3 weeks, it may be time to assess if something else needs to change to help your baby sleep through the night for the first time or get back to sleeping through the night! This is where individualized sleep support can help! 🚨 Stay tuned in April as Infant Insights launches affordable and accessible sleep services for all families.🚨 

If your baby is older than six months and still struggling with sleeping through the night, it may be time to assess their sleep environment and habits. Ensuring the room is dark, using white noise, and maintaining an appropriate bedtime can all contribute to sleeping through the night. Additionally, hunger, developmental milestones, and sleep associations could be reasons why a baby is not sleeping through the night at this age as well and are all things assessed on a sleep coaching call.

As parents, it's so important to remember that sleeping through the night is not a one-size-fits-all milestone. Some babies naturally develop this skill with ease while others take longer and may need a nudge in the right direction to learn how to sleep through the night. Just like babies sit, crawl, or walk at different times, the same is true of sleeping through the night! If you’re concerned about your baby’s sleep or feel that frequent night wakings are beyond what’s typical for their age, consulting a sleep consultant, like myself or any of the other Infant Insights' sleep consultants, can provide personalized guidance and figure out what could be causing all of your baby’s night wakings. 

Ultimately, sleeping through the night is a process, and every baby reaches this milestone at their own pace, some with a little more assistance than others! With patience, consistency, and the right sleep foundations, your little one will get there–even if they need a little nudge in the right direction!. If you need support in helping your baby achieve sleeping through the night, don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance!

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When Should Your Baby Sleep Through The Night?

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