$75.00 USD

Interested in meeting online with Brooke to support your baby's milestone achievement in addition to the course content? Schedule a developmental coaching session to get one on one attention, specific tips for your baby, and individualized documents post session!

Rolling and Sitting in Infants Course

Are you ready to get your baby rolling and sitting!?

What you'll get:

  • 2 hours + of rolling + sitting content
  • Easy to follow activities to complete at home with your baby
  • Demonstrations on an actual infant
  • Written document to supplement the video content
  • Support anytime through email

Terms and Conditions:

All the information presented on Infant Insights’ website and with team members is done in good faith and for general information purposes only. It is meant to provide general, developmentally appropriate advice and strategies that are typically well tolerated. Our team members have not had the opportunity to review your baby’s medical history or see your baby in person.  Thus, this information is not a substitute for medical advice and is not meant to replace a visit with your child’s pediatrician or referral to a therapist. It is also only meant as advice or the explanation of strategies which, if properly implemented, could help.  Any action you take upon this information is at your own risk, especially any manipulation of your baby’s body. Infant Insights is not liable for any outcomes or damages in connection with the implementation of information received. By purchasing any of these courses, you hereby consent to this disclaimer, agree to it’s terms and agree to waive any and all claims against Infant Insights, its agents, employees or therapists as a result of any interaction with Infant Insights, its agents, employees or therapists. Refunds are not given due to that fact that every baby’s developmental timeline is unique to your baby. Progress can not be guaranteed through the purchase and implementation of these products or services.