Raising Awareness About Plagiocephaly: Prevention and Treatment Tips for New Parents
As a mom and occupational therapist who has personally navigated positional plagiocephaly with my child, I want all parents to understand this more. My goal here is simple: to educate new parents on three key points:
The occurrence of plagiocephaly
How to prevent it
Non-helmet solutions for correction
What Is Plagiocephaly?
Plagiocephaly is a common condition where one side of a baby’s head becomes flattened, often due to prolonged pressure. It’s frequently associated with conditions like torticollis (a preference for turning the head to one side). With many high-profile figures placing their infants in cranial helmets, awareness of this condition is on the rise.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. Plagiocephaly: Defined and Identified
Plagiocephaly occurs when a baby’s head flattens on one side due to prolonged contact with a surface. This can cause one side to look “rounder” than the other, often noticeable when viewed from above.
To assess your baby’s head:
Look from a bird’s-eye view.
Compare both halves of the head from the nose outward.
An example of left side plagiocephaly with bulging on the right. Note a small portion of the nose is included in this photo from a bird’s eye view.
Need help evaluating your baby’s head shape? We offer free assessments here!
2. The Back-Sleeping Connection
While the “Back to Sleep” campaign has dramatically reduced the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), it has also increased instances of plagiocephaly. Babies who consistently sleep on their backs—especially favoring one side—are more susceptible to head flattening.
Quick tip: Alternate the side your baby faces during sleep to help distribute pressure more evenly.
3. Plagiocephaly by the Numbers
Did you know that 1 in 10 babies develop plagiocephaly? That number is also rapidly increasing. The introduction of back sleeping is crucial for SIDS prevention, but parents should also be aware of how to mitigate the risk of head flattening.
4. Prevention Strategies Every Parent Should Know
Preventing plagiocephaly requires consistent monitoring and thoughtful strategies:
Positioning: Rotate your baby’s head during sleep and other activities.
Stretching: Gentle neck exercises can prevent imbalances.
Strengthening: Encourage tummy time to promote neck muscle development.
Photo Monitoring: Snap pictures every couple of weeks to track head shape.
Check out our course for in-depth strategies and tips to correct and prevent plagiocephaly.
5. Muscle Imbalances and Plagiocephaly
Many babies are born with muscle tightness due to in-utero positioning. This can lead to neck preferences, which contribute to head flattening.
Regular stretching and body movement exercises can reduce muscle imbalances and help prevent plagiocephaly. Download this free guide for more information.
6. Early Detection at Pediatric Well-Checks
Flattening is often first detected during the 2- and 4-month pediatric check-ups. At these visits, your doctor may:
Measure head circumference
Check for asymmetries
Recommend tummy time or therapy if needed
7. Measuring Severity: CVA and CVAI Metrics
Plagiocephaly severity is measured through CVA (Cranial Vault Asymmetry) and CVAI (Cranial Vault Asymmetry Index). These measurements help determine whether intervention - such as repositioning or helmet therapy - is needed.
Read more about these measurement techniques and the latest research here.
8. The Impact of Baby Gear
Certain baby gear can increase the risk of plagiocephaly:
Swaddles: Products like the Snoo and weighted sleep sacks restrict movement.
Containers: Bouncers, swings, and bassinets encourage prolonged back positioning.
Large, Overhead Play Gyms: While engaging, they discourage natural head repositioning. Instead, opt for a play gym that can be moved to your baby's side easily.
Opt for gear that allows for free movement and reduces constant pressure on any part of the head.
9. Some Babies are at Higher Risk
Some infants are more prone to developing plagiocephaly, including:
Breech babies
Preterm infants
Multiples (twins, triplets, etc.)
Babies of small-statured mothers
Awareness and proactive prevention strategies can make all the difference.
10. Helmets Aren’t the Only Solution
We are passionate about helping families avoid helmets when possible. While helmets are effective, strict repositioning programs—including stretching, strengthening, and bodywork—can correct mild to moderate cases of plagiocephaly and the outcomes are the same based on evidence-based practice.
Plagiocephaly develops quickly but can be prevented and corrected with the right strategies. I hope this article provides clarity and empowers you to take steps toward prevention and treatment.